Sick and Tired Rant😓⛈

Kat • Rakai’s Momma❤️

Literally didn’t eat all day so I tried to eat a sandwich for dinner with apple sauce. Also wanted to eat so I could take my prenatal. Started feeling sick right afterwards so I dragged DH outside to walk it off with me. After 30 mins of walking to help me feel better, all of my dinner was on the ground.


I tried over 3 years for this baby and I feel so guilty for complaining about anything... but this “morning” sickness is kicking my butt. Im 12 1/2 weeks. I have no appetite, I’m losing weight, throwing up morning and night, can’t keep food down, smells make me vomit.... besides feeling like sh*t the worst part is how worried I am for my baby. I can barely eat or drink and I’m constantly worried about him/her. 💔😞 I hope this part ends soon. I’ve been sick since week 5. *Rant over*