35 weeks and pain in stomach and vagina and beat in my right lower

Hi guys I’m 35+1 or 36+5 ( two due dates) last night and this morning I’ve had horrible pain, it’s in my lower pelvis like bad period cramps they can get a little intense but there not often enough for me to go in to maternity, and on the right side of my stomach low down near my hip I feel like a heartbeat sensation? She is fully head down and is a large baby so pain is expected but this is worrying me, every time I walk it hits me worse but even resting it’s happening now I have a harsh pain in my vagina shooting too my bum with the aches 😩 is anyone else going through the same? Did you go to maternity and did they tell you it’s normal? I’m just worried and debating finishing my bag as it feels like I’m going to go into labour thankyou