11 dpo and bfn


So I am now officially 11 dpo, my boyfriend and I had sex on my ovulation day and my period is due in 3 days.

I don’t know if I’m testing too early or if I am just out this month but I am definitely having symptoms whether it be AF or pregnancy.

I’ve been having a lot of cramping in my lower abdomen, hot flashes to the point where some moments I need ice packs to cool off, I’m exhausted (especially today even though I slept), yesterday I had an increased appetite but today none at all and my emotions are all over the place, for example- I feel like I could either throat punch someone or sit in a corner or cry.

Has anyone else been feeling this way or gone through something similar and still got a BFP? I know if it doesn’t happen this month we will try again but I am really praying that I will still see a BFP soon🤗