Scared and confused


Hey everyone, my boyfriend and I were really stupid and we’re messing around about 2 weeks ago and had unprotected sex. He pulled out 100%, but we were worried about the pre-cum because I was ovulating so we ran and got a plan b. I took it within 2 hours of the incident. I didn’t really experience any side effects of it other than fatigue and some cramping, and my period came only a day earlier than expected. Well, what I thought was my period. It wasn’t as heavy as normal, but my periods are super heavy normally. It was also bright red and clotty, but it only lasted 2 days and then it just stopped out of nowhere. I know plan b can mess your periods up, but I’ve been googling stuff nonstop and now I’ve freaked myself out. I now am having headaches and hot flashes as well as some serious cramping, but I’m not bleeding anymore. I know it’s pretty unlikely, but do any of you think I may be pregnant? Or have any advice/similar experiences? Was that my period since it came on time? Thank you so much.