Have you ever tried to remove your cup with your non-dominant hand?

🐏 • baah humbug!!

Right now, I have tendonitis in my right hand which I, like most right handed people, use for pretty much everything, for example removing my cup. I have a cast, so reaching for something with my thumb and pointer or middle finger isn't possible. And OF COURSE I just got my period 😫 (Murphy's law strikes again). Since I don't know if I'm able to remove my cup using my left hand, I use tampons right now (so much less comfortable, ugh). I don't want to risk to rely on somebody else to remove my cup 😓 When my right hand is back to normal, I'll try to remove my cup with my left hand. Who knows when's the next time this skill might come in handy (pun intended).

Have you ever tried to use a cup with your non-dominant hand?

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