After taking nipple rings out this stuff comes out of it

Hey ladies just kind of concerned and need some advice. I took my nipple rings out about 2-3 weeks ago as we are ttc. The past couple days my nipples (not areola) have f*cking hurt! At first I was like okay like maybe I’m pregnant today I was looking at them and I squeezed them and like stuff that would come out of a cyst like white soap scum, or something came out of the sides of them & smells like gauges! (Which was another reason I took them out also!) It almost feels like something that would come out of a cyst or zit when I rubbed it between my fingers to see if it was milk or I was lactating. Has anybody else had this experience and if so what did you do? No they’re not infected, I thought they were to begin with so I took some left over antibiotics I had from an earring infection! Just curious as to what to do. The picture kind of shows what it looks like my nipples are really red from trying to squeeze the stuff out.
