UTI or Kidney stone ?? Help


So of course here I am without health insurance. Suddenly the other night I felt like I had to pee. I went and hardly any came out. I still felt the pressure to pee not from my bladder I’d say but from directly where I go. It wasn’t painful just discomforting. That feeling will last for quite a while. If I manage to not pee for a few hours it’s not as uncomfortable until I have to pee again. Then it’s back. Last night I sat down to pee and had urinated blood and then a little more this morning.

I will say over the last month I’d have back pain right in the kidney area on and off. It got really intense one day and didn’t come back.

Now this...I’m not sure which it is. I don’t want to just leave it if it’s a UTI but if it’s just a kidney stone there isn’t much they can actually do anyhow unless it’s really bad.