I need advice bad!!!!!!


Ok so I’m almost 5 months postpartum and unfortanately i gained a lot of weight while pg. I’ve lost 34 but have another 35 to lose. I thought I had plenty of time as she was born in November and we’re going on a far away beach vacay in now 2 1/2 wks. Well I’m nowhere near my goal and I don’t feel one bit sexy,have no desire to put on a bikini. Makes me so mad cause there’s no one to blame but me,I know,but we’ll probably never go somewhere like this again and I can’t even look my best. Makes me sick😭 ok so past all that what can I do in these last 2 wks to help me look my best?? Get rid of bloat,tone tighten,lose weight fast in a healthy way! What’s worked for u?? Go!!! Pics so u know what I’m taking about...

This was me before pg👇🏼