We have the same fight & I unfortunately got proven right

Ashley • 👧🏽🧑🏽

No judge. My hubby and I have had the same fight about our pets since we had our daughter over 4 years. I have always felt we should rehome our dogs. At 8 months pregnant, we lost our main source of income. My hubby started serving tables to make quick money and that place closed while I was in the hospital after giving birth. We were forced to sale our house at loss, my husband took a traveling job where he was barely home 2 days a week. I was overwhelmed with the baby and our 3 dogs. My parents would come over and help so I could shower, walk them etc. Our dogs got the short stick. I suggested at this time finding them homes, my husband refused.

Fast forward to today, where my husband is now home but averages 60+ hours a week. I am finishing my masters with a practicum and part time job. Our 3 year old spends majority of her time with me and I am 8 weeks pregnant. I woke up 20 mins ago to my husband loudly getting ready for work. He informs me the dogs have escaped from the backyard and he has to go to work. He texts me his tangent because of course why would have a real conversation via speaking (yes that’s me being passive aggressive).

“We should just get rid of them all

I cannot continue to do everything for them with zero help

They live a terrible life locked away from human contact and don’t even get water until I get home which could be noon

You have proven your point that you don’t care about the things I care about”

I feel badly. I do take some ownership but I have been very vocal about my feelings and abilities. I am not sure where to go from here. I have located our dogs. A neighbor posted about them on our neighborhood app, so they are safe. Honestly at this point, I don’t think we can find them new homes. A shelter would be a death situation due to their age, coloring, and large nature. However, I don’t imagine our life style to change anytime soon. Any advice?