trying to keep hope alive

Kelly • I`m 33, happily married and hoping to become a mom one of these days

hello ladies, my name is Kelly and I am 27, my husband and I have been praying and ttc baby #1 for us for nearly three years now, I could use some encouragement and prayers, it's so hard to not feel discouraged, especially when someone asked me the other day if I was pregnant and I want to be so badly :( just a slap to my face :( my response is the same any time I get asked, I husband tries so hard to be supportive but he can't possibly understand the hurt and longing in my heart, him and I have been personally trying since we married in May 2015, but I've tried to get pregnant long before I met him, since about 2011 or so, never have had any success no matter how perfect I time it :( as far as I know, I do not have any known issues, I was on the depoprovera shot for years as a teen, and I really think it made me completely infertile :( it's just so incredibly hard not to feel discouraged. We've long been praying for our little ones, I just can't help but feel a little broken, my poor husband tries so hard to comfort me when I'm down like this but there's not much he can do :( everyone tells me to just wait on God's time and it'll happen, it's just so hard, depression sinks in greatly for me as the mothers day season creeps in... especially remembering something said to me this time last year, it's coming, get ready...a friend from church told me that message from God and I've never forgotten it. all the time I think about and wonder what our babies would look like, how they'd be, we've long since picked out there names. would you please just say a prayer for me? I would appreciate it, thank you