Baby Celebration


I didn't have a shower as I have a 2 yr old and had most things already besides clothes as my first was a boy and this is a girl. Also, new to the town and a stay at home mom I don't have many friends here. However, I do have a best friend that lives here from back home as well and she wanted to celebrate lil miss. So we did on Easter! She made the cake including the fondant toppers, which tasted equally amazing as it looked. The baby has ears and bunny tail since it was Easter and the other is a lightsaber. Hubby is a big Star Wars fan and my son has become an even bigger one.

34 weeks yesterday and just had a growth ultrasound, measuring big like her brother, even though I was sure she was going to smaller since I have gained less and have a somewhat smaller belly but I guess not. Tech said she was estimating 6 lbs and some oz, I can't remember, I was too shocked at the 6 lbs! I know they can be off, so hoping it was some!