Need to lose 70 lbs


I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life, even as a young child. I had a baby when I was 17, and got down to my lowest weight of 130 after she came. Over the years, I would gain and lose, usually hovering around 160. The past couple years have been AWFUL. My mother and my grandfather passed away. I was diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar disorder. It’s been a struggle!!

I’ve tried so many diets and programs 🤦🏼‍♀️ and I just can’t seem to stick to anything! I’m now 27, 5’5”, and at 210 lbs and I hate how I look. I’m so uncomfortable with myself. I’m looking in the mirror like...

So basically I want to lose 70 or so pounds. I want to feel confident and happy again. I feel like the negative image of myself is causing a strain on my marriage even.

I need some tips, tricks, inspiration, whatever you’ve got!! This community is so amazing and I know you guys can help me out!