IUI first round. Being hopeful!! But Soo many concerns


So today I went in to my infertility specialist and I received my injection to do at home. As anyone used the injections or only clomid. I did clomid for 2 rounds and nothing.

I want this so bad. Like all of us. If this doesn’t take I’m going to save for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

I’m so confused on why I can’t get pregnant when the infertility specialist says there is clinically no reason why I haven’t gotten pregnant. My partner has a 4 yr old and he got tested also and he’s good.

I guess it doesn’t help that I’m 29 and my eggs are of a 35 year old which is a little scary.

I really like the fact I can just write how I am feeling . Please posible thoughts and prayers.