
This is probably gonna be long lolll

So I’ve known this boy Seth for 6-8 years well come 2-3 years ago he had a crush on me but I’m not aloud to date till I’m 16 and I’m 15 atm and I was 12 ish then so I told him I didn’t like him well he told his mom that he would wait for me till I’m 16 so we could date... now he has had I think 3 gfs since then and now I have a crush on him and he sometimes is the biggest jerk to me but other times ( like Wednesday) he kinda flirts and is nice and it’s sooooo aggravating because I still have to wait 7 months before I should even tell him I like him because I can’t date till then ughhhh and idk cause I get jealous and I don’t want him to have a gf but I can’t tell him why so with his last gf my bff told him I didn’t like her (which I didn’t) and he asked me why so I just denied not liking her because I didn’t want to tell him “cause I have a huge crush on you” ughh idk what to do and also a couple months ago he had a crush on my BFF?!?!?!!!!????? And my bff kinda led him on so that was super annoying alsoooo just a couple months ago he hadn’t had his first kiss and I was like oh yay we have our first kiss together well in the span of like 3 months he’s kissed like 5 different people?!??😡😭😭 ok so just um idk leave advise for me ig bless you for reading all of this btw