Labor pains


Ok ladies I had my drs appointment Friday. I was excited to go to because I’ve worked so hard all week to bounce on my yoga ball, walk, warm baths, sex, pineapple. I felt as if I did so much work to dilate my body. Dr said if I was dilated by Friday by 1 cm then he will sweep membranes. My cervix has been closed burn”soft”. I’m 39 weeks and 5 days. This pregnancy has been rough on me. I’m trying for a vbac. Had to have a csection with my son at 41 weeks. I left Friday’s appointment very frustrated and my dr knew. I just got so discouraged with my body allowing me to have this vbac. Went home and cried from frustration. 330 am I wiped and I think it was a little bit of my mucus plug. More brown then bloody though. Contractions are not consistent but are very uncomfortable. First 6-8 minutes then now 20 minutes apart. Contractions since Thursday night. Is this normal ? I don’t want to go to hospital to be sent home but I also don’t want to wait until the last minute. Give me advice please. I’m just so ready to meet my princess.