How can I fix it?

A couple days ago i found out i was pregnant. my husband has been in between about everything i guess. at first we talked about having kids. the first time i got pregnant, we were both excited. unfortunately we lost it and we both tried to move past it and we did. now i’m pregnant again and i thought he would be happy but automatically he thought i was getting an abortion. he said because we’re just 20 years old we we aren’t ready. after i lost my first baby i thought i wouldn’t be able to have kids.. i told him this might be a blessing in disguise you never know he just said we’ll be able to have one later on.

during sex i swear on my life he went soft. he got defensive said i didn’t know what i was talking about and that he was still hard. we now haven’t had sex for the past 3-4 days. he doesn’t kiss me as often anymore. only kisses on my forehead or cheek. sometimes on my lips but it doesn’t feel the same. he says he doesn’t want to lose me but we go for hours without talking to each other... last night he ate me out and i had to think of someone else so i can finish. i have no idea if it’s my hormones or i’m just reading into things or maybe we’re just becoming distant?