Boyfriend's mood swings PLEASE READ


My boyfriend's mood swings are so unpredictable. He will get really angry really fast over small thing and sometimes over nothing. He will also get really standoffish for no good reason. This past weekend he invited me out to spend the weekend with him (a 2 hr drive). I am a graduate school and it's finals time so my time is very valuable. He has planned this for over a month and while we are spending time together in the streets of New York, he walks ahead of me in the busy unfamiliar streets without so much as looking back to see if I was okay. He then says that I am paying for my own meal (giving no immediate explanation). When he previously said that he wanted to treat me this weekend because I've been going through such a rough time and have been so stressed. When I asks him what's wrong he just avoided answering and got really antsy. We get to the restaurant and there is a 1hr wait so we have nothing to do but sit and wait. He eventually opens up and said he acted out because he felt that I didn't want to spend time with him. It is nothing that I said or did, he admitted. He just got the thought in his head that I didn't appreciate him all of a sudden in the middle of busy New York City. So this weekend I spent $75 on food and commute and spent 63hrs with him rather than studying for finals and the weekend went nothing like what I thought. He has not always been this way but lately his mood is completely liable and unpredictable. He is usually calm but in recent encounters he has yelled at me and hung up in my face, accusing me of calling him stupid twice when I didn't mention that at all but ppl have called him that in the past . He has gotten completely frustrated with me because though I want a baby in the future after marriage, I stated I would never want to force that on him. This was in response to him saying he never wanted a baby. There is a host of other things where the emotion does not match the reality of the situation. What do I make of this? What do you think? I need an outside perspective. Thanks you glow community.