Went in Friday to be induced , after sitting in waiting room for 4 hours waiting on a room to open f...

Went in Friday to be induced , after sitting in waiting room for 4 hours waiting on a room to open finally got took back, so nervous , they induced me immediately, was in labor for 27 hours. Heart rate was dipping with each contraction , nurses tried every which way to flip me , turn me, didn't so any good . The doctor and about 4 nurses came in and surrounded the moniter, just as worried as I was , my water had been broke since 8 a.m. and she was still not dropping . I started to run a small high temp , so they explained everything about a csection , and seemed to go by so fast , I was shaking and crying, worried about my little girl.. as soon as I was rolled into the operation room , it was exactly 3 minutes being in there and I heard her cry for the first time. I will never forget that small cry. A beautiful babygirl weighing in at exactly 9 lbs 21 in long! Zoey Kay! !😍💗