Anyone ever have throat gurgles or GERD?

For the past couple of years I've been experiencing loud gurgling sounds in my throat. It's really embarrassing because it's not quite a burp and there's barely any way to stop it and it's extremely audible. Lately it's been getting worse, and my stomach also makes uncontrollable noises. I've started to develop anxiety about it because I worry if I'm in a room without enough background noise everyone will hear. I also have been having heartburn at random times for the past month. This past week I've also experienced nausea for seemingly no reason. Could this be GERD? Or is it more likely that it's a kidney stone or gallstone? My doctor is getting me tested for the latter next week in radiology. Please help me find the source of these embarrassing throat gurgles!!!! Some background on me: 21 year old female with healthy BMI, not pregnant and vegetarian. I also have not had many significant changes to my daily routine in the past couple of months (except for having mono 2.5 months ago) but overall I lead a healthy lifestyle with a stable diet.