My birth story!


Finally my turn at my birth story! On Friday, April 20th, I was 38+6 days. I felt awful, had light cramping (which had started two weeks ago), felt so much pressure down in my pelvis, and felt like I could barely walk. That night my husband made a spicy chili and we went for a light walk with our dogs. 6:15 the next morning, (exactly 39 weeks) I got up to use the bathroom, laid back down and fell asleep for about 5-10 min. I awoke with a gush of warm liquid between my legs. My water had broke! I called my husband at work and told him to come home! He told me to get in the shower. I showered and he helped clean up the fluid from the floor. I cried a little while in the shower with fear and excitement for what was to come (FTM here). Before you know it, we were off to the hospital. They admitted me right away and tested a pad I was wearing and it was confirmed, it was amniotic fluid. All day Saturday I didn’t actually go into labor. I was up walking the halls and having a good old time as family visited. That night I started to get a little frustrated because I wasn’t in any pain (Not that I wanted to be) but because I knew I had to be induced. That night they put Cervidil up my vajayjay to induce me. The Cervidil brought on hard cramps but that was it. So the next morning I was given another pill to induce labor, but this time it was orally. That didn’t work either. I was in some pain so they gave me the epidural and started Pitocin. That is what started actual contractions. It took me FOREVER to dilate and I wasn’t a full 10 cm until 8:30 on Sunday. I had a few breakdowns that I wouldn’t dilate and had bad anxiety because of the waiting process. I was worried I’d have to have a C section (which gave me more anxiety). I remember googling quotes about having hope, to get me through. Once I was dilated the wonderful nurses and midwife guided me through when to push. I pushed for 20 minutes and my beautiful daughter came out. Although it was kind of a tough few days, I gave birth to our daughter Gianna Lynn!! She is a little peanut! She weighed 6 pounds, 3 oz and 18 1/2 inches! Thank you Jesus with this amazing blessing. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.