Birth story!


I went in for my 41 week appointment on April 9th. They did an ultrasound to check his fluids and they were low, he also only moved twice out of the four times that they’re suppose to move. They sent me over to the hospital right away to be induced. I got there at 12 noon, they induced me at 130pm (being only 1cm and 50% effaced). They gave me a pill to help soften my cervix and put a balloon in me that they filled with water to help dilate me. Well I went from a 1 to a 5 in 3 hours so at 430pm they took the balloon out and broke my water. Contractions came on intense almost right away so I got an epidural around 8pm. Let me say that hurt like a bitch, i got a contraction while she was doing it and it shocked my left leg, I thought I was paralyzed. But when all was done I instantly went numb and was able to sleep all night until 2am when they checked me and I was at 10cm. I started pushing at 230 and our little boy made his appearance at 409am weighing 8 pounds 6oz and 22 inch long. Greatest experience of my life!! I’ve attached some pics of our boy and a picture of what I looked like a week before I had him ☺️