Something I just need to get out


Okay, this is something I just need to get off my shoulders because it annoys me so much. I’ve just began year 10 and I’m in art class. My teacher gave us an assignment called ‘Fantasy Shoe’. We had to basically draw a shoe on our canvas and use water colours to design our shoes. I did mine differently from the class (which I will show a photo when school holidays finish because it’s still at school). My teacher didn’t like the way it looked because she says I left too many white gaps. I designed a pink ballet shoe and a black and white converse with a slime drip effect at the near bottom. I left the bottom white until I was forced by my teacher to paint it light grey or silver. The background on top was galaxy. When I finished my painting, I gave it back to her to mark.

My parents thought it was amazing because I put so much work into it. When my teacher gave me my results, she gave me a B because there were too many white gaps. She specifically said “artists don’t leave their canvases white”. My friend backed me up by saying “well, there was a guy who put a dot on a canvas and became instantly famous for that”. She replied “That is not true art”. WTF? Then she turned to me and said the dumbest thing on earth “if you would have let me fixed a few things on your canvas then I would’ve given you an A”. That just pisses me off so much. I prefer to get a freaking B than to have a teacher ruin my hard work.

But you know what’s funny? The other girls in my class let her do their work and they all got A’s, while my friends and I got B’s because we didn’t let her help. She tried fixing one of my friend’s artwork and completely ruined it but still gave her a B. My other friend literally took hers home and washed all the paint off so she could redo it her way.

Sorry, it was a big rant but I just had to get it off my shoulders. I just can’t believe she didn’t like my artwork just because she wanted it her way. then she’s blaming me for getting a bad mark. I put all my effort into it and it came out amazing. I swear that teacher is blind 😡🤬