Clomid without period


Okay, I need advice.

I have PCOS and have one healthy boy who is 17 months old as a result of taking clomid and metformin. We recently started clomid again and got pregnant first try but then I miscarried 5 days after finding out. Thinking it was a chemical pregnancy as it was very early on.

Before my previous round of clomid my doctor had told me that there was new research that you didn’t have to have a period of start clomid. He said wait 10 days, if you have your period, start clomid days 5-10. If you don’t have your period in ten day, call us and we will probably just have you start. I ended up having my period but my progesterone tests show that I don’t ovulate but I normally have a somewhat regular period with metformin.

After my miscarriage in March, the doctor told me I could start clomid again in 2 weeks. I felt freaked out about it so decided to wait on my period but here I am freaking 38 days later and no period and gettin so impatient. I’m tempted to just start the clomid. I feel like nothing is happening. 😑. Advice?