Started having irregular contractions (anywhere from 5-20 minutes apart) at 6 pm on Friday

Started having irregular contractions (anywhere from 5-20 minutes apart) at 6 pm on Friday. They started being regular (4-5 minutes apart) around 4 pm on Saturday. They lasted an hour like this, so we ate dinner and packed our things for the hospital. I was worried they would send us home because I was not in any pain at all, but we went anyways. 
I was 5 cm upon arrival, so they said we were staying. They started an IV and had me sign all the paperwork in case there were any complications later on. I labored naturally and progressed about a cm every 2 hours, but then I got stuck at 9.5 cm for 4 hours. In the end I asked them to break my water so we could speed things up. After that I went almost immediately to a 10, and took some practice pishes. They felt really effective, and the nurse told me to stop since the doctor was not at the hospital yet. The urge to push was too strong, thkugh, so I told them I was fine with it being the house doc, I just couldn’t wait!
About 3 rounds of pushing later, Clare Marie was born at 6:15 am on Sunday morning. She was 39+5, weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz., and was 21 inches long. 97% in height, 56% in weight. 
My recovery was only ok I’d say. I tore in the front and back (2nd degree). I also passed out welhen I tried to stand up for the first time after birth. I had lost a lot of blood, and my iron levels were at a 7.3 (you get a blood transfusion if they drop below 7, and I was 13 when I first arrived at the hospital). I started feeling normal-ish around 3-4 weeks when my stitches dissolved. Breastfeeding was also difficult, with all the leaking and sore nipples for the first month!
Overall, I am happy I stuck with my plan to labor naturally, and Clare has been great so far!