Telling your kids there’s NO bad people...


Not sure how controversial this is but just wanted to get some feedback.

My husband and I have two children ages 4&2. We were getting ready to go to the carnival and I was just explaining to our kids about how important hand holding was and to never go off with a stranger. I was telling them that there are bad people in the world who go after kids... all that stuff.

Well my husband jumped in and said to the kids “there are no bad people just people who do bad things.”

I immediately pulled him aside and told him he shouldn’t be saying things like this to the kids. I feel like that’s a concept they will learn/be taught when they are old enough to comprehend it.

For now I want them to know that Yes, there are bad people. If they do bad things that makes them bad. My husband doesn’t agree.

What are your thoughts? How are you raising your children to be aware of stranger danger?