I’m so emotional!!

Currently crying! I’m so emotionally drained. I’m 3-4 days from my period. Negative test! My acne has started up already. It’s a little worse than it normally is. I hope AF doesn’t show, but my acne says otherwise. This is the fourth month. Why is it so hard? Why us? Everyone around me has announced being pregnant. One of my friends is pregnant with her 4th because she relapsed on dope and accidentally got pregnant. She lost custody of her first child. Her bf emotionally abuses her, and they can’t afford a pot to piss in. I had to buy their Christmas and easter, because she was gonna wrap their old toys and give to them. Why did she get pregnant? Why would she get blessed with a baby when her other children aren’t taken care of? We didn’t even try that hard with our other 3 babies. My oldest is 8 and my youngest is 4. I now have my husband questioning if there is something wrong with him. I pray God will just take away the desire if he doesn’t want to give us another baby. I know his timing is absolutely perfect. But it’s so hard to trust Him sometimes!! It doesn’t help my son is always asking for a baby, all I can say is we are trying so hard!! I just want another baby, I want a BFP. Negative test suck! Kudos to all the women who have been trying so long!! I can’t even begin to imagine what your going through. You are all so so strong. I pray for all of y’all every night. I’m sorry y’all. It makes me feel just a little better to rant!