warning preseed

hey everyone! so I want to give you a little insight on preseed, and to stay away from it. I used preseed before and miscarried and then the second time I got pregnant went onto a healthy pregnancy without using preseed and got my rainbow baby. well I just found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago and went to the emergency room and I'm miscarrying! I want to let you know I used preseed with this one. aloy of women that I have talked to got pregnant and miscarried and they used preseed. now let's look at this. we are going against science. Pressed is suppose to be a lubricant to help get the sperm to where it needs to be to help with pregnancy. but do you guys ever think hey, we are forcing the good or bad sperm to go where it doesn't need to be. We are allowing ourselves to be more susceptible to eptopic pregnancies and miscarriages, even possibality of down syndrome. we are forcing the bad sperm to go where it doesn't need to be. so from this I will never use Preseed again. I will just wait it out and hope for my rainbow baby again without using that crap again. ladies please give some serious thought into it before using it. let nature take its course. if it's ment to be it will happen. don't pressure the sperm to go where it's not suppose to be and end up having heartache at the end. It's an awful feeling. thanks for listening.