Two different people?


I’m scared our relationship won’t last... We just met about a year ago, and we got pregnant. I’m in the 3rd trimester now...

We grew up so differently and see things so differently.

I’ve had a much harder life than him. We’re both in our twenties.

He’s never left home, his parents give him $1000 a month allowance, they pay for his tuition ($10,000 a year), they bought him a brand new car which he crashed within a few months, he’s had cocaine and other addiction problems, his relationship with his father isn’t great but his father still gives him money and anything he really asks for. He’s told me he’s been stuck and very sad at his home growing up. He has never had any savings, his grades aren’t good, he seems so much more stressed.

I grew up in an abusive home, left there, was homeless, took care of my much younger brother, lived on my own for 10 years, my mother committed suicide, I took on student loans for school and still have debt, always worked two or more jobs (hourly, customer service), always paid my own rent and expenses. Good at saving money, had good grades in university, much better at dealing with unexpected huge lifechanging situations such as death, homelessness and this pregnancy.

I can see our next 5 years and he’s going to panic, he’s going to get very stressed, right now he’s barely holding himself together during my pregnancy.

I’ve been extremely easy going and I really just take care of myself.

He’s really stressed about finding a job and his own things.

He doesn’t see me. He doesn’t acknowledge I’m pregnant some days. He has no idea how much pregnancy changes you. It’s been really hard.

We are such different people.

I always felt like I’m better off being alone. He says I have an inferiority complex. Idk. He always gets really wordy and uses long ass explanations for reasons why he can’t do this or that, he has so many reasons why it’s his family’s fault, why he’s failed, just an endless river of excuses.

He’s lived with me for a year rent-free. He said he’d pay me half rent but that only happened once and he’s made more excuses why he doesn’t have money.

We survive so differently in life.

I feel like I only kept him because honestly I’m really lonely. I grew up in a broken family and I want my baby to grow up with both parents. With a whole normal like family at least until 18.

Currently, I’ve been doing prenatal classes regularly. He doesn’t want to do them with me anything, he says I worry to much, very long-winded explanations, etc, etc. He says they’re boring and provide little benefit. I’m ok doing the classes alone, but just feel so let down... again.. and again..

What should I do?