Being a selfish wife 😔


So I’m currently 11+3 and my sex drive since I found out I was pregnant has just dropped to nonexistent. I had some issues with spotting and stuff so we didn’t have sex for a couple of weeks and he understood that. My problem is although I have zero sex drive or desire to be anywhere near his junk he doesn’t want to leave me alone. He pesters me for sex or blow job like everyday... I know it’s not fair to neglect him and I feel like I’m just being selfish but I just don’t want to right now. Thing is when I have explained no sex drive he gets all sad and mopey because I obv don’t love him anymore blah blah blah (and tbh this attitude turns me off even more!). I just don’t know what to do ladies, do I just give in and have sex and bjs when I don’t want to and be miserable myself or do I make him miserable too and decline all the time 😔 urgh, hormones lol 😂