Bailey • Tristans momma

I am almost 19 and my daughter will be 1 in June. I have applied to so many places near me but I'm still in ged classes and I'm still yet to get my license.... I have no money to my name what so ever. I live with A lot of my family and they buy for my daughter and myself. I'm so tired of feeling useless. I just want to have income so I can take care of my daughter by myself and get things for us. I've went without for so long that I don't know what it feels like to have something that I've bought myself that I can be proud of. I need a job where I can work online. i have no work experience. no money. I have wifi, a laptop, a working cellphone. I just need something right now that can lift my spirits and help me support my daughter and myself by MYSELF. if anyone has anything please let me know. comment or I can give you my number. I'm desperate. I'm a single mom. sorry this is so long...🌸😭❤