Just over here trying to get pregnant


Ugh. I was on birth control for about 7 years. My husband and I got married last year and I didn’t have a period until just recently in April. (6 months of no period) I went to my doctor and she did a test, it was like a Pap smear test. The next day I got my blood drawn and our game plan was to put me on progesterone for 5 nights. Well two days after seeing my doctor I started my period, no hormone injections needed!! YAYY!

Wellllll... I then find out a week later my best friend is pregnant. And then I find out two more propel are expecting. My husband and I followed exactly what my DR said to do after having my period but I’m in a funk and I can’t tell what it is causing it. I was supposed to start my period today. I haven’t yet. I have had headaches, lower stomach pressuring, and am EXTREMELY tired. My breast don’t hurt, only when I press on them hard-ish. I took s pregnancy test this morning it was negative.

My husband and I are wanting a baby bad, and I’m so impatient and seeing everyone around me get pregnant is just discouraging me and making me more impatient. Because who wouldn’t want to be pregnant with their bestie?? Though I AM extremely exciting for them all.

Anyone else have symptoms like this before their period is supposed to start? My last one just came on so sudden I didn’t expect it! And I never ever cramp up or feel pressure when I’m on it.