Miss Cricket Elise is here


Cricket Elise is here!!!! I was due May 11th and schedule to be induced on May 7th! I was 4cm dilated and 80% thinned on Wednesday May 2nd when I had my 38 week appointment, the doctor seemed confident I would make it to my induction... well Thursday May 3rd at 11pm I started having contractions 7 minuets apart now my first labor I never felt contractions until it was time to push crazy fast 2hour labor! I thought I would never get that lucky again. Well let me tell you

Contractions start around 11

Arrive at the hospital at 1:23am after 2 hours of off and on contractions and not knowing if I should actually go or not...

Get into the hospital and am in full blown labor no time between contractions

Water breaks at 1:38 am

Finally admitted at 1:40 am

Miss Cricket was in my arms at 1:55am May 4th after only being at the hospital about 30 minuets and only being in a triage room for about 12 minuets! O