Boy Scouts.

No one has to agree with me. But this is my opinion.

The whole thing with them making Boy Scouts co-ed is stupid, there’s literally a Girl Scouts!. They do just about the same freaking thing, they camp, do activities, they do adventures and learn about the wild, ETC. I don’t care about the dumb generation we’re in stop being stupid and just put you little girl in Girl Scouts they’re learning the same crap, I was in Girl Scouts and my troop leaders son was in Boy Scouts sometimes we team up for events. Just because a boy is doing BOY THINGS doesn’t mean a little girl can come and distract them. Rant over.

Again I said it was my opinion you don’t have to agree with me, it’s on the rant page, and it was something I WANTED to rant about. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I guess all Girl Scouts are different we never learned to cook or sew we always went camping and did the same thing boys do.