New Guy


So I met a guy yesterday for the first time in person. We somehow had each other on Snapchat and have messaged on and off for a while and decided to finally see each other face to face.

Everything started out great, we were having a great time and had a ton of fun so we decided to hang out again today. Only today didn’t go as well...

I’m not a touchy feely person in the slightest, especially when I don’t really know you. He was all over me though, constantly calling me gorgeous. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice, but when you say it nonstop it gets old fast. He kept trying to hang on me and smack my butt. I kept telling him to knock it off because I had just met him and I’m not into PDA and all he said was “well you need to get used to it with me!”

It just really annoyed me because I haven’t known him that long and he wanted me to just be okay with it. I know there’s a stereotype going around that girls want their butt played with, they want constant attention, and they want to be spoiled. I’m not that person at all. All I want is a guy who treats me like a regular person because I don’t see the point in going out of your way to make someone happy.

I’m just wondering if maybe I’m overreacting to all of this attention or if I should just stick it out and see if I get used to it. TIA