Newbie Need help analyzing my chart


This is the first time I’m using Fertility Friends and my first time doing temps. Last Wednesday 5/2 CD10 at 745p I got a smiley face on my digital clear blue OPK. My SO works graveyard but manage to come home around midnight Thursday 5/3 CD11 we did the BD back to back then he went back to work. As you can see on my chart I had a dip on 5/2 (the same day as the smiley face and it went back up on 5/3 day Glow says I ovulated. My concern is my temps went up on 5/3 & 5/4 but on 5/5 there was a slight dip and 5/6 my temps were the same as 5/5.... My concern is while I got a smiley face, had CM and ovulation symptoms can some one tell me if based on my chart if I should be concerned?? Thank you!