Help need advice!!!

Can_Can💜 • Mommy to two!💜 💙With her third on its way!!💙

So Monday morning was my induction date! Went in got all situated hooked up at 6 in the morning, was there all day until 5, they let me go. They had me hooked up to pitocin and everything and my cervix would not drop... they had me walking and sitting on the ball and anything they could think of. The contractions were horrible, I dialed to a 3, but still my cervix was so high. Hey sent me home and now I go back at 6 in the morning (Wednesday) to do it all over again. I am 39w 3d.. my due date is Sunday. This is also my 3rd baby.. why is this happening?? And what should I do to help bring my cervix down!?