How to get toddler to nap longer?


Hi momas! So my daughter is 20 months old and has never been that good of a sleeper. She was 15 months before she started sleeping through the night consistently. She every once in a while has a night where she drops her binky out of the crib & cries but goes back to sleep as soon as go in and give it to her. However nap time is a different story. She only sleeps for 45 min to 1 hour. This just is not enough sleep for her and for me cause she wakes up cranky. She usually goes to sleep right around 1 after she has eaten lunch & played for a bit. I have tried putting her down earlier & later. She does sleep in her crib in her own room & has a stuffed rabbit she likes. I am a stay at home mom and currently 16 weeks pregnant & exhausted! Just need her to nap longer! Any advice would be much appreciated!