Cervix Pain?

Luca (Trans Male)

|| Before you read this, please use he/him pronouns for me. Thank you! ||

I have been having pains right where my cervix is-and I've had things hit it before, you know how that is, but it's not going away?? It's like this throbbing mild to moderate pain that's there on and off all day. I also have problems with my period and my spine and was wondering- if my spine causes my pain in my "saddle region," could it make my cervix hurt too? How do I tell my doctor? Should I even go? (There's a history of ovarian, uterine, and cervix cancer in my family- along with ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.)

((Update: I forgot to say that my mother had to have her uterus removed due to the amount of fibroids that were in it. She has endometriosis but I doubt I do since mine come around every three months and are usually light but I do cramp like hell. Sometimes it's like Satan's waterfall is raining from my vagina but that's rarely.))