Birth Control ?? HELP ⁉️

Okay so my body has rejected and overly reacted to all birth controls I have tried (pills, depo, condoms) . I’m supposed to be getting a copper iud put in after delivery in hopes of my body not rejecting it due to it having no hormones. Has anyone ever been on this specific iud ?? Or any at that ? What worked best for you mommas ?? I’ve been seeing a crap load of articles stating how bad all the birth controls are but with my health problems and already having a 2 year old and due soon I can’t put myself through another pregnancy 😣 I really would love another blessing in the future (maybe 5-10 years) so getting my tubes tied isn’t really in my mind also as I’m only 21 years old my doctors won’t really approve . Again I can’t have anything in my body with hormones (Yes I’ve needed medications for these extra hormones during my pregnancy) but please I’ll take anything into consideration. Thanks in advance and blessings to all ❤️