Waiting Game/ Past Due Date


Hi everyone! I needed to vent and possibly get some advice. I'm feeling pretty frustrated. Today is my due date and I had my 40 week appt. I still haven't dilated AT ALL and am only 30% effaced. Baby also is still sitting up quite high. I am SO ready to have this little girl and not be pregnant anymore. My doctor thinks I will go at least another week or possibly longer. They won't let me go past 42 weeks because it becomes dangerous. I am worried I will have to be induced without having dilated at all which I know ups chances of a c-section. I really want to avoid having a cesarean. Anyone else out there in my shoes? Or have you had a similar situation in previous pregnancies (no dilation by 40 weeks)? If so how did it end up for you? Thanks for reading.

This waiting game is the worst and has me so stressed. 😔