Baby fever

So my boyfriend has a son who just turned one this month and he gives me the most baby fever I could ever imagine!!! At first I was beyond crazy with the fever then it settles down and I was content. But today while my bf went to an interview for a different job I went over to watch the baby. I gave him his morning bottle, changed him, let him play while I cleaned up around the house then gave him a bath (he wouldn’t stay on his bath mat and kept slipping everywhere it was hilarious seeing the look on his face so now it’s time for a bigger bath mat). I dressed him up and let him play for a solid hour. Gave him another bottle and laid down with him on the bed for a nap. Took 5 minutes for him to be knocked out which takes his dad average 30 minutes because he is constantly fighting sleep. I hated that I had to leave before he woke up from his nap but I couldn’t be late to class thankfully abuela came over or else I would have no choice but to be late. We can’t financially care for another child at the moment but goodness if we could I’m sure we’d be ttc. He’s such a great dad 😍