Stressed out of my mind... Idk what to do

I've been married for 5 years, been with him for 8. He's that only man I've ever had sex with or had a real relationship with. I'm so stressed to the point where I don't want to look at him. Idk why. I hate my job but I can't quit we need the money. We have no kids, I just had an ectopic pregnancy. But I feel like he doesn't want me, like he's just using me. He never texts me at all during the day unless I text him first. He never calls me. I know he doesn't work hard he tells me he sits around all day. He never wants to cuddle except when we go to bed. Never starts sex till we go to bed. I want to be wanted and loved. In the beginning he was so good. Idk what happened it's like 5 years down the road he's got me now he don't have to try so hard. But I want to feel wanted and needed. I want to feel loved. To randomly get a message that says I love you. But I get nothing. I feel so alone in this relationship. He doesn't talk to me he watches tv till bedtime then tries loving up on me. Idk what to do I need advice please!