Divorce or not


Long story cut it short, bout 5 months ago my husband and I moved out went our separate ways his living at his parents and so am I, we fall apart because of my inlaws he listens to ever word his mum says and because his family know too much bout our marriage and always heard his side and not mine they hate me and support him to leave me my issue Is I still love him and I know he loves me and our 3 year son is attached to both of us his not a man enough and doesn't know how to fix a issue I'Ve started to feel strong bout 3 months ago picked up my self and felt good than he came back saying his changed so I gave him a chance I told him rent me a house we get furniture and start all over again he told me I had to be patients because apparently he didn't have money but throw my son a birthday party that look expensive I was hurt because I wasn't there and his family was, I felt like he was lying since he works and says I don't have money than I felt like maybe his playing me so I didn't want to be patient and not know what's going on since I waited for 2months and still yet nothing and how long it might take for him to rent a home my parents and his parents don't like each other his whole family think they can put it over me and I don't understand how he can be blind and not c it the last fight between his family and my family where his young brother tried to snatch my son off me when my husband and I won't talking he young brother seen me at the park I didn't allow him so my brother told him off so his brother inlaw attacks my brother than my brother attacks him I feel like me and my husband always get lost in the Crowd I don't understand my he doesn't stand up towards his family and why he seems the wrong and thinks it's okay his very confusing I'm not sure what he wants anymore I'm very lost I don't know if his playing mind games since he acts inmate he doesn't want to divorce but cant rent a home and he also told me if you want come live at my parents till I find a house I feel like his family just want to put me down how can he ask me to live with them when our marriage fell apart because of them, honestly I'm so confused and hurt 5 years marriage down the drain