Cloth diapering in apartment


Did anyone cloth diaper in a coin operated apartment? I wanted to try cloth diapering with this child but am worried about how much work it’s going to be with a toddler, a newborn, and the inconvenience of coin operated laundry. Do you save that much when it’s $3 per load? Is it hard doing this with a toddler around? Curious about everyone’s experiences good and bad! What worked/ didn’t work for you?

My mother in law ( who is extremely familiar with cloth diapering) is absolutely against it. Even to the point of telling me she will not babysit if we cloth diaper. Which is fine because we can bring disposables to her home. However, I am curious as to if it’s as bad as she makes it seem or if modern times have made cloth diapering much easier.

Did anyone cloth diaper and give up and then then Into trouble when they didn’t stack up in disposables?