The "Snap Back"

I'm soooooooooo sick of women's obsession with snapping back after having a baby. Why can you rest, recover and enjoy your baby. You have plenty of time to go back to your previous size 🙄🙄

Getting a flat belly after being pregnant for the last 9mo is the furthest from my mind. Smh!

P.S FYI So some of you pests will get OFF MY CASE!!! By snap back I mean within a week or two of giving birth. (Celebs are the worst ones that perpetuate this stigma because it's their job to look a certain way)

By not waiting the allotted time to give your body time to heal before you're cleared to workout. If you want to go back to working out and be the size you were before, I'm all for it, however you have either pushed a human out of your snatch or cut from your belly. Heal and rest first.

For the witches that comment on " they hate when women make comments about things other people do"

It's my post and I can feel how I want to feel.


Cause I used to be that skinny obsessed girl that had to stay a size 3 in jrs until I dated an asshole that told me if I got fat he'd leave me. Well I'm not a 3 anymore, I left him and I'm married to someone that loves me for me snap back or not.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone have one, they may fuckin stink, but its mine and I'm entitled to it!!! THE END!