Daycare teachers where you at!

some girl • Tina Belcher is my spirit animal

I currently work at a Day care. Been there almost two years.

I think about quitting every day. Sigh

But I can’t.

Instead I’m asking for tips and advice on derailing with two y/o and three y/o.

If you have some special trick to get them to behave or any suggestions of activities or circle time.

I had all my kids on a routine. And they would misbehave but it was never this bad. Now the bad ones are turning to good ones bad.

Last week and this week (so far) they’ve been OUT OF CONTROL.

I tell my boss she does nothing.

I’m emotionally, mentally and physically DRAINED.

Then I have stuff to deal with outside work.

I’m on the brink of losing my mind Please help me out.

This ⬇️⬇️⬇️ is about to be me once I hit post.


I switched classes!