Just venting

So maybe I'm just being hormonal and overreacting but my husband is really starting to piss me off. Last weekend he went to a festival with a friend and his sister. Mind you, this was a street festival that we went to together the night before and only stayed 20 minutes. Well when he went with his sister and friend, he was gone 2 and a half hours. No calls. It makes me mad that I was at home sick because I threw his mom a bridal shower and did too much and he doesn't even have the decency to call me and check on me. Then tonight he was at his mom's doing his breaks. It's going on 3 hours and I'm starting to get worried. So I called him more than 10 times and he didn't answer. I even texted his mom and no answer. Then suddenly I get a call from his mom telling me that he is working on his second brake. My response is "Ok but it would have been nice for him to pick up the phone and let me know what's going on and maybe check on me. " Her response is "well you could have come down." I'm at home because I have been puking since I ate which I told him. Again it would be really nice for him to think about me and his child for two seconds. I'm just getting really sick of not being priority. And now I have to go to bed without seeing my husband all day. I'm just really upset right now.