May baby becomes April baby
I was due on the 16th of May but baby had different ideas and decided to arrive 17days early weighing 6lb 6 on the 30th April
Here is my birth story
I woke up about 2am on the 30th April being sick 🤢 and with the worst pain imaginable in my chest/top of tummy...after about half an hour the pain hadn’t eased up so I phoned my mum and the midwife.....because of where I live the doctor was called out instead of the midwife. So when the doctor arrived she took my blood pressure, which turned out to be 260/180. At this point the doctor called for an ambulance to take me to the local hospital so she could give me something to lower my blood pressure....whilst at the hospital my water broke and my contractions started. The medication the doctor gave me didn’t work so she decided that I would need to go to the hospital on the mainland so the air ambulance had to be called out

Nice view from the air ambulance
Once I got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses tried again to get my blood pressure down but every time I had a contraction my blood pressure went up so they gave me pain relief which brought my blood pressure down 😁 at this point they said I might be able to give birth naturally but when they got my blood result back they said that the results were really bad and that the baby needed out ASAP so I had to have an emergency c section under general anaesthetic. Finally at 12:58 on the 30th April my little boy arrived in to this world

Unfortunately he came out very sleepy and had to be resuscitated, his blood sugar levels were also very low so he had to spend some time in the NICU... i spent the next 11 hours I and out of conciseness and wasn’t well enough to go see him, it finally around midnight I was finally able to meet my son for the first time 😁
Turns out I had pre-eclampsia and HELLP.....I was told afterward that if I had waited any longer that we wouldn’t have survived 😭
Thanks to the NHS staff I now have a wonderful and health 3 and a half week old son called Joshua Jack

Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.