Want to get something off my chest

So yesterday I joined slimming world and they went around the group asking us why we was unhappy with our weight and why we want to change and it made a lot of people cry and get upset but it came to me and I honestly had no idea what to say. The reason for this is because I’m not unhappy with my figure I feel beautiful who I am and when I make an effort I feel amazing I never even thought about if I was overweight or not it was only when my family started to comment on me saying I was fat or I couldn’t wear certain clothes or do certain things that’s when I started to let my self go and not make an effort with myself and start to feel low and unhappy with who i am. It really made me think that every person who is overweight got overweight because they was originally happy with who they was that is why they continued to eat most people only become unhappy when OTHERS decide to comment on them. Being overweight is not a problem its society that has a problem with being overweight. I wont be going back to slimming world because why should I change for the approval of others. People are going to comment about all the health problems and other irrelevant facts but everyone gets health problems no matter what so what does it matter. I feel like us as a society are not excepting of people who are ‘fat’ but why not?? It’s not a bad or ugly thing and I think we should be more excepting and it would make the world a happier place. Don’t comment if your going to call me stupid or dumb or other stupid things and don’t comment if your going to fat shame people.