
I’ve been with my man for 4 years. He was a recovering addict when I met him ( heroin was his choice of drug) he was sober for 6 years. About 1.5 year ago he start d having a few drinks here and there with me. 5 months ago he did coke behind my back. And did it a few times confessed to me and promised to never touch it again and prove me me wrong and give him A chance. I did. We just had our wedding and honeymoon. We comeback and I caught him in the garage with a small baggie of coke. I freaked out. He swore up and down he found it. I knew he was lying. This morning. He confessed that he never stopped and kept getting high. I feel disgusted and betrayed and lied to! W shave a 2 yr old together and his 8 yr old

Daughter. I want to leave him? I do and I don’t. I don’t want this in my life. I hate him for

Lying to me. I gave him a. Chance before and he betrayed me.